As part of a unit on Colonial Arts and Crafts, middle school students learned about quilting. They had the opportunity to see a variety of quilt patterns, and they learned many of the pattern names.

They designed their own geometric patterns for a quilted pillow top, chose fabrics to use (even choosing some wild combinations!), and were assisted in cutting out their quilt pieces.

After their pieces were cut out, they placed them right sides together, measured a 1/4″ seam, and began sewing them together (using a back stitch), according to the pattern they designed.

Once all the pieces were sewn together for the top, students chose a fabric to use for the back of the pillow. They again measured a 1/4″ from the edge and sewed the two pieces together, right sides facing.

They left a small opening at one edge so that they could turn the pillow right side out, and once they had done that they stuffed the pillow with Polyfil.
The kids were quite proud of their finished pillows!